Why Attorney General Biden refuses to address false allegations and false police reports.

This is an excerpt from a communication to Governor Markell and various other state officials in DE, from Gordon Smith of FLAIR: Family Law Advocates Initiating Reform:
What is that great sucking sound? That would be the sound of the dozen or so state and private agencies within the state of Delaware that have their lips firmly attached to the teats of the Great Cash Cow: VAWA.

The total amount allocated statewide for fiscal year 2009 was just under $1,000,000.00
at $903,933.00. I'm sure this past fiscal year of 2010 came even closer to the 1,000,000.00 mark for the first state.
As I looked over the report, it became even more obvious as to why their was such state level resistance to simply acknowledging that there are systemic problems that exist regarding certain domestic violence/Family Law policies.

I quote former Family Law Commission Chairperson - Senator Liane Sorenson -
Senator Sorenson said that what had been requested of Attorney General Biden was for him to share with us what your office is doing and what your new Family Division is doing, and the issue that keeps coming up at our Public Hearings once a year and also by members of the public is the issue of False Allegations. She said the public has asked why people get away with lying -
Family Law Commission meeting April 17, 2008

I quote Child Psychologist and Family Law Commission member - Harriet Ainbinder said she wanted to remind everyone that previously we had the Attorney General here to talk about false allegations, and he told us that essentially he (Attorney General Biden) would not pursue that because of various legal issues.
Family Law Commission meeting May 14, 2009

As you will see in the above sentence, one might could substitute "various economic issues" for "various legal issues

1)Department of Justice Amount Allocated: $214,685.00
Concept Title: VAWA Prosecution
This hefty amount - according to the CJC Form is designated for one DAG to strengthen the response and prosecution of those accused of domestic violence.

2)Child Inc. Amount Allocated: $118,698.00 - Eileen Williams sitting member of Family Law Commission and employee of Child Inc.
Concept Title: State wide DVAC in Family Court

3)Capitol Police Amount Allocated: $45,000 - Detective Lawrence Davis is a sitting member of the Family Law Commission and an employee of the Capitol Police Department.
Concept Title: PFA Hearings Duty

4)Family Court Amount Allocated: $40,683.00 - Judge William Walls is a sitting Family Law Commission member and a Family Court Judge.
Concept Title: DV Coordinator

5)Criminal Justice Council Amount Allocated: $45,196.00 - Bridget Poulle is a member of the CJC and the Executive Director of the Delaware Coordinating Council on Domestic Violence.
Concept Title: Administration

Unobligated Balance: Amount Allocated: $52,991.00
This unknown allocation is determined by the VAWA Implementation Committee........(?)

Yes, when I researched the Grant Program Report, I understood where that great sucking sound was coming from and why these fine upstanding individuals do so militantly fight to maintain status quo for their programs.
Yes, maintaining a system that prosecutes the innocent is just a method of cash flow for the status quo.

So if you were wondering why Attorney General Biden refuses to address false allegations and false police reports: FOLLOW THE MONEY

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